What our students are saying...

“Wow! This is an excellent course! I loved the arrangement, graphics, information, delivery…genuine and with ease, harmonious, with powerful meditations! Very dynamic! I am looking forward to sharing it!  ”

Robert N.

“Digestible information that empowers the soul, and the included meditations propel what's already inside.”

Will B.

“As someone who has been on the healing and self discovery journey for a while, this course was a great reminder to come back to what’s important. Life always gets very distracting, and it’s easy to loose touch with our hearts and souls. This was a great reminder to step back into higher frequency. I feel much more centered and aligned after completing the course. ”

Katelyn B.

“I highly recommend The Awakening to the Real You course for anyone interested in learning more about the individual and planetary ascension process, or stepping more fully into their own sovereignty. Rebecca and Becca have somehow achieved the perfect blend of being thorough, but not overly cerebral or overwhelming. The information is presented in a way that is not only embodied and heart centered, but also extremely down to earth and accessible even for those who are hearing it for the first time. I also love how they include resources for continued learning and to help people integrate the information they've shared. Well done! ”

Lindsey C.

The True Nature of Our Reality

There is an underlying structure to our holographic universe that is our personal and collective reality. It is based on light, sound and sacred geometry. Learn how you can co-create your reality by reprogramming your subconscious. This section includes a meditation to facilitate expanding your awareness.

The Miraculous Human Body

The human body is a holographic light projector - a bio computer. It is a “vehicle” for consciousness to drive and experience life. The organic human is multidimensional with 12+ strands of DNA (not junk) ranging from physical, etheric to pre-matter. It is up to you to reconnect this DNA that has been unplugged and siphoned. Understanding (inner-standing) your blueprint will help you unblock energy for optimum health and prosperity. An energy center alignment meditation is included in this section.

The Blended Reality/Divine vs. False Matrix

Our Organic Matrix of reality was hijacked thousands of years ago. Humanity has been trapped in an false Matrix that has been anti-life. Your Ego navigates the false matrix which is dominated by inorganic frequencies/images. Uncover your True/Divine Self and live in the Organic matrix that is founded on unity and unconditional love. This section will discuss how to tell the difference via examples from movies (The Truman Show, Free Guy and The Matrix.) A meditation geared toward taking back your personal power is included here.

Tools for Ascension

Coming into unity with our authentic God Source through "Christ Consciousness" is the underlying desire for all humans. Feeling separated from our Source is also the root cause of all human suffering. This section identifies many tools to support your evolution to wholeness and to your authentic self. We are not going anywhere, but physically embodying our multidimensional selves into this now moment. Learn about the scale of consciousness, the Schumann Resonance (heartbeat of Earth), and techniques to accrete more light and embodiment.


Rebecca Wineka

Energy Kinesiology Practitioner

I am a life-long learner by nature. I was an educator for 11 years, a psychotherapist for 5 years, and an energy kinesiology practitioner now for 6 years. My own health journey led me into holistic healing modalities and the work I do now. I have delved into the metaphysics for answers in the physical, and life makes so much more sense now. Thank you for your interest in this material. I am here to support you, whatever that looks like. Be well, be you ~ Becca


Rebecca Paris

Spiritual Guide

I am a former advertising professional and VP of Marketing for United Way of Atlanta as well as an artist. I founded Raisingthevibe.org, an online nonprofit platform focusing on self-actualization tools, holistic healing and ascension tools, from a deep desire to help others understand and embody their Divine, authentic self. In addition to painting and blogging, I guide clients on their unique spiritual awakening journey which may include: ascension basics, astrology by the degree, walk ins/soul braids, the physics of our holographic universe, and the organic vs. inorganic matrix of reality, among other topics. As a Gene Keys Guide, I offer one-on-one sessions to illuminate your profile to help you contemplate your shadows and transform them into the gifts that are hidden in your DNA. My educational subscription module entitled, “Finding Your Unique Gifts and Higher Purpose”, is available on the Shift/Co member platform.

Course curriculum

    1. The Nature of Reality

    2. Vibration, Light, Sound, Image Example

    3. Nature of Reality Continued

    4. Meditation - Expanding Awareness

    1. The Miraculous Human Body - Multidimensional Reality through the chakra system

    2. Miraculous Human Body Cont.

    3. Meditation - Energy Center Alignment

    1. Blended Realities - Organic and False Matrix

    2. Becca's Awakening Journey and Hidden Truths

    3. Ego vs. Divine Self

    4. Meditation - Taking Back Your Personal Power

    1. Ascension Tools

    2. Ascension Tools Continued

    3. Ascension Tools - Types of Love

    4. Ascension Tools - Meditation/Contemplation

    5. Ascension Tools - Self Actualization

    6. Ascension Tools Conclusion

    7. Meditation - DNA Activation

About this course

  • $144.00
  • 20 lessons

Live your highest potential in the Divine Matrix